Category: Customary Laws
New report shows Indigenous and Tribal Peoples ‘best guardians’ of forests
25 March 2021, Santiago, Chile/Rome – Deforestation rates are significantly lower in Indigenous and Tribal territories where governments have formally recognized collective land rights, according to a new report launched today. Jointly published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin…
Diving Indigenous People Land Rights Significantly Reduces Deforestation, says UN Report
Land rights for Indigenous and Tribal groups help lower deforestation rates, reduce biodiversity loss and avoid CO2 emissions, according to a new UN report. In Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia, securing land rights has allowed communities to avoid the equivalent annual emissions of taking between 9 and 12.6 million cars off the road. In the run-up…
Indigenous peoples by far the best guardians of forests – UN report
The embattled indigenous peoples of Latin America are by far the best guardians of the regions’ forests, according to a UN report, with deforestation rates up to 50% lower in their territories than elsewhere. Protecting the vast forests is vital to tackling the climate crisis and plummeting populations of wildlife, and the report found that…
Indigenous peoples by far the best guardians of forests – UN report
Damian Carrington Environment editor @dpcarrington Preserving Latin America’s forests is vital to fight the climate crisis and deforestation is lower in indigenous territories The embattled indigenous peoples of Latin America are by far the best guardians of the regions’ forests, according to a UN report, with deforestation rates up to 50% lower in their territories than…
Nature loss, climate breakdown, global pandemic — who now can save life on Earth?
Delfin Ganapin, WWF Governance Practice Leader, and Lin Li, WWF Global Policy and Advocacy Director, argue that securing the rights and recognising the roles and contributions of Indigenous Peoples and local communities are critical in creating a just, green, resilient future. Born of our destructive incursion upon nature, COVID-19 has shown us just how vulnerable we are…
The FCC Is Allowing 5G Towers on Indigenous Land Without Tribal Consent
By Sophie Stuber The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is approving the construction of 5G towers on what could be sacred Indigenous lands without tribal consent, VICE News has found. Muscogee (Creek) Nation works on projects in 12 states across the midwest and southern U.S., and is expected to inspect proposals for every 5G tower that goes…
The World’s Best Forest Guardians: Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous and local communities manage almost a quarter of the world’s lands—and that means they care for an astonishing 80 percent of Earth’s biodiversity. And no one stewards the land better: Research shows that Indigenous peoples achieve conservation results at least equal to those of government-run protected areas—with a fraction of the budget. Another study shows that…
Tanah adat masyarakat adat Moi: Bukan untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit
Oleh J. Septer Manufandu Tanah bagi suku Moi Sebagai Pusat Kehidupan dan Pengetahuan Suku bangsa Moi mendiami Tanah Malamoi di Kabupaten dan Kota Sorong, Raja Ampat, Tambrauw dan sebagian Sorong Selatan. Masyarakat hukum adat Moi dikelompokkan menjadi 8 sub suku yaitu: sub suku moi Kelim, Moi Sigin, Abun taat, Abun Jii, Klabra, Salkhma, Lemas dan…
Budaya lokal harus diutamakan di ajang FDS
Sentani, Jubi – Sejak dihelatnya Festival Danau Sentani (FDS) tahun 2007 masyarakat Kabupaten Jayapura mengharapkan agar konten-konten budaya lokal dari kampung-kampung lebih diprioritaskan. Tokoh masyarakat setempat, Alfredo Suebu menilai FDS belum merealisasi keinginan masyarakat lokal. Festival ini bahkan hanya dinilai sekadar seremonial belaka. “FDS ini masih menampilkan produk-produk perusahaan yang nyata-nyata tidak bersifat budaya dan…
Tapanga Rarua applies for the registration of Holy (Healing) Water
DailyPost – Former MP, Willie Jimmy Tapanga Rarua, the holder of the lease title for the land on which the miracle water in Luganville, Santo, is located and his wife Alvin Tapanga Rarua have applied to the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC) in Port Vila to register the services under the name Holy (Healing) Water.…