Author: weareone
Six reasons why a healthy environment should be a human right
At least 155 states recognize their citizens have the right to live in a healthy environment, either through national legislation or international accords, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Despite those protections, the World Health Organization estimates that 23 per cent of all deaths are linked to “environmental risks” like air pollution, water contamination…
A Complete Bibliography of Bernard Narokobi
Here is as complete as I can manage a bibliography of Bernard Narokobi. I am updating it regularly. This version is from 5 Nov 2018. This is a dump from my research notes, so the formatting is still in rough shape and some entries may be incomplete. This will change over time as I update this. Please…
News: Blackstone Energy Services Buys First Sovereign Government Issued REDD+ Forestry Carbon Credits to Save Papua New Guinea’s Rainforests
Toronto, Canada, April 8, 2021, 07.00pm, source: Blackstone Energy Services, Canada’s leading energy services company made the first commercial purchase of UNFCCC-verified, REDD+ forestry carbon credits or REDD+ Results Units (RRUs), issued by the sovereign government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) today. Blackstone’s pilot purchase of 6,106 metric tonnes of forestry carbon credits is…
This is the Solution to Power Generation Problem in PNG
May be unheard of, the Innovative Air Turbine Power Generation Technology is the solution to power generation in Papua New Guinea. This is the latest and the only 100% renewable power generation system in the world, which is capable of producing both electricity and water, and I might add, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.…
Earth Hour: ‘Make peace with nature’ – UN chief
The world began to ripple to darkness on Saturday as countries globally dimmed their lights at 8:30 pm local time for Earth Hour – an event that, according to the UN, encourages individuals, communities, and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights, for one hour. In his message to mark the event, Secretary-General António Guterres said that…
Average westerner’s eating habits lead to loss of four trees every year
Damian Carrington Environment editor, @dpcarrington, The Guardian The average western consumer of coffee, chocolate, beef, palm oil and other commodities is responsible for the felling of four trees every year, many in wildlife-rich tropical forests, research has calculated. Destruction of forests is a major cause of both the climate crisis and plunging wildlife populations, as…
What does COVID-19 have to do with nature? These 5 articles explain
By Kiley Price, This post was updated May 19, 2020., Editor’s note: The COVID-19 pandemic has spread around the world at lightning speed, infecting more than 4.8 million people and killing more than 319,000 people to date. Protecting nature will be critical to preventing future pandemics, some scientists say. With that in mind, here are five articles…
Desakan larangan penambangan laut dalam global di Pasifik semakin lantang
Suva, Jubi – Desakan masyarakat sipil di seluruh kawasan Kepulauan Pasifik agar ada larangan global atas aktivitas penambangan laut dalam telah diluncurkan. Aliansi itu, The Pacific Regional NGO Alliance, terdiri dari gereja-gereja dan kelompok masyarakat sipil, telah memulai kampanye mereka untuk memboikot penambangan laut dalam Kamis kemarin (25/3/2021) di Fiji. Deklarasinya, Blue Line Statement, menegaskan…
Perlindungan benda dan situs budaya di Papua butuh payung hukum
Jayapura, Jubi – Kepala Sub Bagian Tata Usaha Unit Pelaksana Teknis Museum Loka Budaya Universitas Cenderawasih, Soleman Soendemi mengatakan pemerintah daerah harus mempunyai program dan peraturan daerah tentang perlindungan benda dan situs budaya Papua. Hal itu dinyatakan Soendemi saat dihubungi di Jayapura, Senin (29/3/2021). Soendemi menyatakan kapasitas museum di Papua untuk melindungi benda dan situs…