Wewo Kotokay

Wiwa Wewo Kotokay

Wewo in Lani language of West Papua literally means, “no food, no drink, nothing…., empty, poor, have nothing….”


Wewo means someone or something that does not count anything of and to himself/ herself/ itself, but will surrender to the play and dance of this life.


This name was given by my room-mate at missionary boarding house in Sentani, West Papua.

Wewo has no interest of his/her/ its own self. 

Wiwa in Lani language means “foolish”, do not know anything about anything. This name was given by my mother.

“Kotokay” in Tanna Island of Vanuatu means “roof”, the roof of the house that protects the house from rain, sun and from any other spirits, for the safety and wellbeing of the inhabitants.

Wewo Kotokay” means I am not more than just a servant! I have no other interest than to function as the protector of my house: my clan, my ethnic-group and my race as well as my village, my island and my world.

Melanesia is my identity, Melanesian system is my way of understanding, expressing and living this life and Melanesian Way is the life and living way for all communities of beings.




Celebrate Birth, Live Well, Love Well, Have Something Good for Every Person, and Die a Happy Death!”

I am an elder of my own Tribe, Walak Tribe in West Papua. Since the passing of my elder brother, Elly on 16 September 2020, I have been automatically playing the role he left and right now I am based in Port Moresby, to carry out his vision for Melanesia. 

My Irish Honorary-Tribesperson title was honoured by my elders in Donegal, Republic of Ireland, 

I am very proud of my pre-decesor Hon. Bernard Narokobi for his Melanesian Philosophy, and I am more than prepared to preach “The Gospel of Melanesia”, bring the world to the next stage in our understanding of Melanesia. One of the ways I can do right now is by promoting the “Melanesian Way of Conservation”. 

Therefore, I am an Ambassador of Melanesian tribes to the world and at the same time, I am the Ambassador of global community to my Melanesian tribes.

Since 2020, I am playing the role as the Ambassador of Full Circle Foundation to Coordinate Spirit-Led Conservation across Melanesia.



Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      Benn Marshall

This is the picture of my birthplace, Kelela Village, West Papua. This is where I grew up until my secondary school. In my theory, I call this the “World 1” of my life.


I have travelled in this life as far as World 4, and I am looking forward to World 5. The conservation work based on Melanesian Way that I am proposing here is the conservation to get me into World 5, the world where modernized world and tribalized community meet, the intersection of World 1, World 2, World 3 and World 4..

I started my life as a child in World 1, the world I was born into, the tribal / traditional world, where everything is local: from thinking, seeing, eating, to every aspect of life ….

My first entry into what I call World 2 happened exactly in July 1980 when I was sent by missionaries out from my own village into a different village into the lowland, where we share the same race, the same island, but different ethnic group, different staple food, different staple food and different way of life.

My introduction to World 3 happened in 1994, when I was first introduced to what the world knows as “Java Island”, into an island belongs to Indonesian country, Java tribe and culture.

Then I knew World 4 beginning with meeting anarchist-beggars on the Street at London Underground, United Kingdom of Great Britain.

My life in Four Worlds have taught me enough lessons to come to conclusions that The Melanesian Way is the way forward for what humanity hopes as “happiness”, and “fullness” in life.

I have come to know when I began interacting in World 4 that my World 1 was the best world I had ever experienced in life, and therefore I have to go back to World 1. 

However, on my way back, I have found out that my “World 1” had disappeared, being swallowed by what human beings call as “modernisation”.

