The logic of our work follows like the following 3 key steps:
STEP ONE: Map and connect the storylines.
Various activities carried out to collect and map the storylines.
This is done though various approaches: news updates, story-telling, radio broadcast, WantokTube and facebook streaming …
STEP TWO: Codify the Storylines into a Customary Laws that will be legally binding for concerned families, clans or tribes to submit themselves to the rules.
The community should first be fenced well and therefore submit themselves to their own laws in order to prevent them being bought up by foreign influences.
STEP THREEE: The Codified Customary Laws are proposed to the modern nation-sates so that they are recognised and legalised by modern nation-state.
This will bind the government to appreciate and follow the Laws of the Nature.
So far there have been efforts to encourage modern nation-states’ governments to adopt environmentally friendly laws to support conservation work.
We are proposing laws to be codified for both the indigenous peoples and the government.
Layout of Site Contents
This website contains six major parts. Each part is designed to carry out activities that support the Melanesian Way of Conservation.
There major parts (1) Save Life, (2) Care for Life and (3) Celebrate Life are major stream of activities of the movement.
The “home” pages contain various general information on the website, Melanesia, and the individuals or groups behind this movement.
About consists of two major areas, first contains vision, mission, goals and targets of the movement; while the second part contains information on what are are for and what we are not.
This part is important to understand as our movement can easily be associated with other holistic approach, indigenous way of conservations happening around the world.
Conservation work is done to save life. Our core work is to do whatever we can, according to the way we know worked for our villages and islands, mostly worked for thousands or even millions of years.
This part is the main “theme” of Spirit-Led and/ or Spirit-Based Conservation, or the Melanesian Way Conservation.
There are things that we normally do naturally in our villages and islands that contain medical therapy and even medicines that can cure various modern deadly diseases. The two keys of all these are the time we are born and the time we die. To care for life is to treat both historic events in a way that helps the spirit and soul enjoy and celebrate whatever happens.
The outcome of Caring Life is celebrations of life. Everyday life should be a celebration of life, and that is the reaily of life in Melanesian islands and villages.
Celebrations of life are often organised, but also not organised.
The Blog section contains News Categories that we can click to read news under those categories. Whereas “contact” page containes contact form, and contact details that readers can use to communicate with us.
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We aim at allow harmony to reign in life for and among all communities of beings.
We promote balance in life for and among all communities of beings to allow harmony to reign.
We believe that the key towards harmony in life and living is “balance”.
We believe that life and living in “balance” is produced by living according to the Laws of Nature.
We believe that Customary Laws is the best formulation of the Laws of the Nature for human communities.
We therefore promote the Melanesian Way of Conservation by mapping the Spirit Hotspots as the foundation for Customary Laws that will finally promote sustainable and peaceful living among all communities of beings and among human beings.