Tag: Papua New Guinea

  • Bernard Narokobi – leader, legislator, poet

    Bernard Narokobi – leader, legislator, poet

    GREGORY BABLIS PORT MORESBY – In 1995 when Bernard Narokobi was Papua New Guinea’s minister for agriculture, he, Bart Philemon and Jerry Nalau voted against prime minister Julius Chan’s proposed bill for an organic law on provincial and local level governments. Given the ongoing conflict in Bougainville in its violent bid for secession, the three…

  • Climate change threatens biocultural diversity on New Guinea

    Many plants on the island of New Guinea are being threatened with extinction. The indigenous languages and customs associated with the plants run the same risk of disappearing. An international team of biologists, including from Naturalis Biodiversity Center, have done research into the biocultural links between indigenous peoples and nature. In their paper in Science Advances they…

  • PNG and France: Bridging the gap through science

    SCIENTISTS around the world, especially in France, are astonished by PNG’s large rainforest and its biodiversity, says France’s Ambassador Philippe Janvier-Kamiyama. Janvier-Kamiyama was speaking at Government House in Port Moresby after presenting his credentials to acting Governor-General and Speaker Job Pomat. “Your country has the third largest primary rainforest in the world, whose biodiversity is…

  • ‘Narokobi, a man of law’

    ‘Narokobi, a man of law’

    PAPUA New Guinea Law Society president Kerenga Kua has described the late Bernard Narokobi as a man who dedicated his entire life to the service of the rule of law. “Every once in a while comes a man who expresses an ideology that gives an alternative way forward for a nation. “For PNG, Mr Narokobi…